Jill and I met through the worst of circumstances in that my little girl (Xena) was sick with MRSA. On our first conversation we both felt a very strong spiritual connection with each other. Since then we have become very close friends and the bond just seems to get stronger. It may sound bizarre to some and in the beginning it even did to us. We seem to have led the same lives even just on different paths. Anyway rather than go into the whole story I will cut out the middle and bring you to the present. Soul wrenchingly Xena passed away on the 7th October 2006. I wrote Xena a memorial poem and Jill found it very moving. Jill wished she had the words to express what she wanted to say but found it to painful to bring them to the surface so I wrote one for her. Below is my interpretation of Jill’s emotions for Bella.
Vikkie Yates