Human and Animal Strains of MRSA
MRSA in Animals - Conference Findings
New compound could help vet hygiene
Panton valentine leukocidin (PVL) toxin positive MRSA
Data needed for DEFRA funded MRSA study
Academics track MRSA in Animals -It's Rising
Community MRSA a key factor in many Pet MRSA Cases
More evidence for MRSA in animals
More academic insight - 6 key studies
Human to animal transmission
Antimicrobial drug use and resistance in dogs
Journal of Small Animal Practice
Human/Animal Infection Patterns re MRSA - A Case Study
Guidelines for Non-Rodent Survival Surgery
MRSA in Cats and Dogs - An Emerging Problem
Management of MRSA septic B arthritis in a dog using a gentamicin impregnated collagen sponge
Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Outbreak in a Veterinary Teaching Hospital
Human-to-Dog Transmission of MRSA | CDC EID
MRSA in Horses
The prevalence of E. coli, Salmonella spp., Campylobacter spp., VRE and MRSA in dogs and their antimicrobial susceptibility
Human to animal transmission
Human to Animal Transmission of MRSA
Understanding MRSA
Vets warned to take care over MRSA
Will you give MRSA to your pet?
MRSA in a Pet Dog
MRSA & Horses
Straight from the horse's nose.
Pet animals as reservoirs of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria
Small Animal MRSA
Articles and Research Papers