Dear Mr Dismore (Local MP)
Medivet - Hendon Clinic
I refer to your letter dated 10th January 2005 on behalf of your constituent, Jill Moss. Officers have spoken to Ms Moss and are surprised to learn that she has been informed that the RCVS do not have power to act on such matters. I can confirm that this is not a matter that is covered by any trading standards legislation.
However, veterinary practices are covered by workplace health and safety law, enforced by the Health and Safety Executive. The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulation: includes requirements to control pathogenic organisms, such as MRSA, where there is a risk to staff or public arising from a work activity.
Whilst it may be difficult in practice for the HSE to take formal enforcement action in such circumstances as Ms Moss has raised, it would appear to us that they do have powers to investigate, and take action if considered appropriate.
Yours sincerely
Steve Presland
Head of Environmental Services