Sometimes drugs clear your skin infection but a chronic mrsa infection seems to arise. What causes these recurring mrsa reinfections and what can you do?
- The bacteria may have quietly remained in your nose, groin or armpits and infected a new cut or skin weakness. You could be self infecting.
- People also become reinfected in the community via other carriers who have no sign of infection. Between 1-15% of people in your community may be carriers of MRSA
- These silent carriers may include pets, children in day care, friends and sexual partners.
- People with other health challenges may be more vulnerable to reinfection because of a weakened immune system
- Contact with health facilities may have meant that you have visited an infection 'hot zone'
- Reinfected people seem less prone to major MRSA infection according to recent research but can still be quite discomforted by their new infection
People with chronic MRSA infections should look carefully at possible reinfection sources.
Preventing MRSA reinfection
- Regular handwashing and the avoidance of shared towels, clothing etc can also help clear the infection.
- Soaps such as Hibiclens can help clear the bacteria from your skin
- If you have other chronic medical conditions your doctor may be willing to use a nasal cream such as mupirocin (Bactroban) to help remove the bacteria from your nose.
Find answers to 25 MRSA questions below
Your MRSA Questions Answered
How do you know you have MRSA?
What are the symptoms of MRSA?
What is MRSA?
How do you catch MRSA
MRSA Skin Infections
Is MRSA Contagious?
Where could you catch MRSA?
Is there an MRSA Incubation period
Chronic MRSA Infections & MRSA Reinfection
Are you an MRSA Carrier?
MRSA Colonization - Infected but not sick?
MRSA & Sex - The Facts
MRSA precautions you can take
What is community MRSA
How is MRSA treated
4 Key MRSA Treatments
MRSA Treatment - A short guide
Can you die from MRSA?
MRSA treatment - Official USA guidelines
MRSA Pneumonia & Flu
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