MRSA skin infections can be caught from contact with the skin of others. The bacteria live on the skin alongside thousands of other bacteria and do not cause problems until they find a wound to infect. Spread may be via a hand or in the small intimacies of life as well as via sexual contact. Regular hand washing and showering will help keep the infection at bay. Most of us will be transient or temporary carriers of MRSA at some time.
35-50% of people carry the staph aureus (SA) part of MRSA. It can also be very destructive. MRSA infection and several others are often close at hand. Good personal hygiene habits and general good health will mean that most people do not sucumb to bacterial infections.
MRSA is not a death sentence for most people. Those who die with it are often very ill anyway with other conditions, hence their weakened defences.
Read on for information on several MRSA skin conditions
Your MRSA Questions Answered
How do you know you have MRSA?
What are the symptoms of MRSA?
What is MRSA?
How do you catch MRSA
MRSA Skin Infections
Is MRSA Contagious?
Where could you catch MRSA?
Is there an MRSA Incubation period
Chronic MRSA Infections & MRSA Reinfection
Are you an MRSA Carrier?
MRSA Colonization - Infected but not sick?
MRSA & Sex - The Facts
MRSA precautions you can take
What is community MRSA
How is MRSA treated
4 Key MRSA Treatments
MRSA Treatment - A short guide
Can you die from MRSA?
MRSA treatment - Official USA guidelines
MRSA Pneumonia & Flu
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