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7 Types of MRSA Rash Explained

Understanding your MRSA Rash. As MRSA often lives on the skin or in the nose it can be carried for some time before it finds an area of vulnerability to infect. Any activity that breaks or bruises the skin can therefore be an entry point for infection.

The staph bacteria infect the skin and the first symptom is a general reddening of the skin. The area is often itchy and can then become filled with pus, which creates raised bumps and cysts that have the appearance of pimples. These may burst open, ooze pus and create an open red sore. MRSA rash is however a general term and the infection may well be a complication of the conditions mentioned below.

What is an MRSA Boil?
What is MRSA Cellulitis?
What is an MRSA Abscess?
MRSA and Impetigo
What is MRSA Follicultis?
What is MRSA Erythema?
What is MRSA Eczema?
MRSA Carbuncle & Furuncles

What is MRSA?
What are the symptoms of MRSA?
How is MRSA treated?

Marsa Infection Explained

What is marsa infection? What is the best marsa treatment? Marsa is the name often used for the MRSA bacteria that causes skin infections for some and can in turn cause bloodstream infections for hospital patients. How can you protect yourself and your family against what is sometimes called marsa disease, marsa staph, marsa staff or the marsa virus? Read on for answers that will help you and your family.

The Most Common Questions About MRSA.
How do you know you have MRSA - MRSA Symptoms
What actually is the MRSA infection - What is MRSA?
A friend has MRSA or you have it - Is MRSA Contagious?
4 treatments you might need - MRSA Treatment
How serious is the infection - Can you die from MRSA?
Is MRSA the only staph infection - Other staph infections
How do you actually catch the infection - Find the MRSA facts
How quickly does it make you sick - Is there an MRSA incubation period?
The cause of the infection - MRSA Virus  or MRSA Bacteria?
What is the link between flu, MRSA and pneumonia - MRSA pneumonia
Understanding your skin infection - MRSA Rash

How Do You Catch MRSA?
Protecting yourself when friends have an infection - MRSA exposure
Why do I keep getting reinfected - Chronic MRSA
Catching MRSA - not sick yet - MRSA colonization
MRSA carriers - Does it always make you ill
Will sex mean my partner gets the infection - MRSA Sex
Can I get it from skin contact? - MRSA skin infection
Preventing infection - MRSA precautions you can take
MRSA Treatment – A Short Guide
When your doctor needs MRSA guidance - The official USA guidelines

Staph infection - Not just MRSA?
Is MRSA different from MERSA? - Mersa
Is MRSA just a hospital infection? - Community MRSA

Mirsa Infection - A Guide

MRSA Questions

What is mirsa infection? What is the best mirsa treatment? Mirsa is a name that some use for MRSA bacteria. This causes skin infections for many and bloodstream infections for some hospital patients.

What is MRSA?

MRSA is a drug resistant strain of staphylococcus aureus bacteria. Bacteria can live quietly on your skin until it finds a cut, wound or graze to infect. MRSA is found on the skin of 1-2% of people – ordinary staphylococcus aureus is on the skin of up to 35% of people. Both MRSA and Staph may cause infections but MRSA is harder to treat as it is resistant to many antibiotics. MRSA is caught in hospitals but is also common in the community.

How do you catch MRSA?

You can catch MRSA at home, in hospital or in public places with high touch surfaces used by many people. It is left behind by an MRSA carrier on hard surfaces. It can survive for weeks. High contact sport, shared gym equipment, sex and shared household items can also be part of the MRSA transmission pattern. Find out more at: What is MRSA – How do you catch it


What are the symptoms of MRSA?

For many MRSA will be linked to a skin condition. But MRSA does sometimes find it’s way into the bloodstream and provoke infections. These should be diagnosed via blood tests. Go to MRSA – The symptoms for more information. 

How is MRSA Treated? 

There are 4 different types of treatment – these include incision and drainage of a simple wound infection to specific drug treatment for the strain of MRSA you may have. Discover more at What is MRSA – Treatment

How can I protect myself against MRSA?

Read our guide to protecting yourself. Hand washing, surface hygiene are just two of the ways of protecting your household when one of you has MRSA. More at What is MRSA – Precautions

What does MRSA stand for?

Methicillin – this was one of the first drugs used against staphylococcus aureus infections. MRSA is now resistant to many other penicillin and cephalosporin drugs but this one gave it its name. Resistant – while many drugs kill the bacteria they are aimed at others don’t or people stop before the drug has completed the task. This allows the bacteria to begin to resist that drug when it encounters it again. Staphylococcus aureus – this is a common type of bacteria that looks like a bunch of grapes under the microscope. The name has greek origins

Other names include mirsa disease, mirsa staph, mirsa staff or the mirsa virus.